Represents a modern, enterprising global enterprise.
Ion's CI is a combination of symbol mark and logo type.
In any case, deformation or recombination is not possible.

Symbol Mark
Basic Form
It strengthened familiarity and visualized modern and enterprising global images.
Symbolic marks are a visual value that represents "ION" and should not be transformed in any case because they play an important role in delivering corporate images. In addition, the symbol mark is used in various media such as printouts, signage systems, promotions, etc.

Symbol Mark
on Grid
If you have any questions when using CI, you must contact the CI management department.
When using ¡°ION¡± symbol mark, the use of computer files is prioritized, and if it is impossible to print the computer, it should be accurately written according to the grid given in this section.

Symbol Mark
"ION" symbolized the will and ideology that aims for in color
The color of the symbol mark is an important element in the CI system and should be strictly followed. It is based on Navy Blue, the main color of the symbol mark, and in the case of a special medium or environment, you can choose the color that best suits the medium and environment from the secondary color.